Difference Between Combinational And Sequential Circuit [ for interview also ]

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COMBINATIONAL CIRCUIT - it is a circuit , thats output depend only on the present input . 

  • To understand very easily we can talk about daily life example.                                                                               EXAMPLE - When you want to switch on a bulb think what you do ? you just siply  provide input as electricity to bulb and OUTPUT comes in form of light . that means you simply give input ( here electricity )  and got output ( light or bulb glow) .
IMPORTANT NOTE - All Logic Gates are the example of COMBINATIONAL CIRCUIT . [ not , and , or , nand , nor , exor . exnor  etc ]

SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT- it is a circuit , thats output not only depend on present input and also on previous output . 

  • To understand very easily we can talk about daily life example .                                         EXAMPLE - Think when you count something like a bundle of 5 rupees note .when your count reach up to 53 then your mother called you for help and you go for help your mother. then after returning again you have start your counting . NOW here two situation comes either you again start counting from 1 when you forget last time up to which no. you ended your counting . ANOTHER situation is before going to help your mother you write a no. 53 on a page so when you come later then just see that no. and start counting from 54 . this 2nd situation is nothing but a sequential circuit . beacuse you use here past output ( here counting up to 53 ) then you start counting again to produce next output . 

   NOTE - Flip -Flop , Counter etc are the example of sequntial circuit.
