
Showing posts from April, 2020

Clock Concept in Digital Electronics( Sequential Circuit )

Welcome to you              TAGORE  EDUCATION   TOPIC - Clock Concept In digital Electronics For Better Understanding of this concept with video click on link Lets understand the how clock is so much important in sequntial circuit . We know any system gives output corresponding to a particular input . Now One man give the input to a system and corresponding to this input we get a output , and he want to store that output for future use , then he must use one memory storage element , and he stored that output. after some time his mother called him .so he leave the room , and one child enter that room and he done something in sytem so input changes , and we know acording to input output also change . Now after some time that man enter room and he need that data which he stored before leave the room , but he did't get stored data . Now do same activity again but EXTRA THING that is CLOCK . now that circuit synchronised with clock . sync...

Why NAND ,NOR gate called as universal gate ?

Welcome to you                        TAGORE  EDUCATION  For Better Understanding See Video Related To This Topic , click on link   Q-  WHY NAND , NOR GATE CALLED AS UNIVERSAL GATE ? A- The reason is very simple , we know we have ( not , or , and , nand , nor , exor , exnor ) gates , NOT , AND , OR are the BASIC GATE  , by basic gate we can make any digital circuit , but this digital circuit make by combination of these three gates ,any of these three  indivuasly  can not make the digital circuit .  but word UNIVERSAL means " everythink " and in diigital electronics that everything is " logic gates " . so there is any gate which indivisually make any digital circuit ? answer is yes .  NAND , NOR gate indivisually make any digital circuit . they can make any BASIC GATE ( not , and , or ) . then as we know basic gate makes any digital circuit . that means we can directly s...

Difference Between Combinational And Sequential Circuit [ for interview also ]

Welcome to you              TAGROE  EDUCATION  For video of this Topic click on link  COMBINATIONAL CIRCUIT -   it is a circuit , thats output depend only on the present input .  To understand very easily we can talk about daily life example.                                                                                EXAMPLE - When you want to switch on a bulb think what you do ? you just siply  provide input as electricity to bulb and OUTPUT comes in form of light . that means you simply give input ( here electricity )  and got output ( light or bulb glow) . IMPORTANT NOTE  - All Logic Gates are the example of COMBINATIONAL CIRCUIT . [ not , and , or , nand , nor , exor . exnor...